Monday, November 19, 2007

Poorly targeted Gmail marketing

Damn this pissed me off, you'll probably have to click the image to view it full-screen to see exactly why:
In case you still can't read it even on the larger view, the adbar (upper arrow) has an advertisment for HOOTER HIDERS... the email list I was marking messages as read in is a BREASTFEEDING ACTIVIST ORGANIZATION (of which I'm a founding member - this is a large part of what's been distracting me from blogging and most other online activities for the last 2 months - I've been working behind the scenes on and designing the website... plus we had a serious hard drive crash that I'm still not completely ready to talk about - emotionally - quite yet).

ARG! *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* I really like Google generally *sigh*

Wonder if we can get sponsorship to get advertising for ourselves in Google (especially that specific location) when the word lactivist appears in emails... hmmm.

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